We are committed to continuously improving our sustainability practices.

Furniture at Cosh Living is created and curated in line with three non-negotiable elements. Long lifespan, exceptional comfort and enduring style. Guided by these values, our furniture has less impact on our product lifecycle. 

A long lifespan relies on quality materials and construction. To stand the test of time, furniture needs great base materials and fixings to be able to survive everyday use, maintenance, and relocation. We utilise premium materials across our collections that have proven to perform in an Australian context, with options for both residential and commercial applications. 

Longevity is at the heart of everything we do.

We carefully source our materials from responsible suppliers and work to minimise waste during production, packaging and delivery. 

Our collections are constructed without compromise. Whether from our Melbourne workshop or Italian partners, our furniture is made by hand. Outstanding craftsmanship is evident across the collections, each detail forged and finished by experts.

Furniture designed without comfort in mind is quickly discarded, while comfortable furniture is commonly kept, cared for and repaired. Exceptional comfort begins in the design process. Our collections are designed by leading furniture designers and architects who are experts in ergonomics, how we engage with our environment and emerging technologies to increase well-being.  

Our collections don’t follow seasonal trends, but have an enduring, timeless style that survives beyond transient interior fashions.

Our indoor furniture is made-to-order.

Creating to order means our clients choose designs suited to their needs and preferences, increasing the likelihood they keep the furniture for a longer time. Making to order also ensures that we don’t produce excess furniture, using resources only when required.

We support an array of Australian makers and small businesses to achieve an incredibly refined and bespoke outcome. 

For over ten years, we have operated our own Cosh Living workshop in Melbourne. We are proud to employ fifteen skilled local makers to measure, cut, sew, assemble, refine and review all our upholstered furniture. We partner with timber specialists across Melbourne to craft our solid timber dining tables, desks, coffee tables and sofa bases. The Frame collection by Kett is also made and assembled in Australia. We work with collaborators in northern Italy to produce storage furniture, dining chair bases and selected natural stone tables.

Fostering a culture of care.

Eventually, all well-loved furniture begins to show signs of age. We have a repair and refurbishment program to extend the life of our furniture and reduce the need for replacement. Selecting well-designed, well-made furniture allows our clients to maximise the life of their pieces, support Australian and Italian craftspeople and opt out of modern throwaway culture.

Our Reupholstery Service

Our upcycling program.

At Cosh Living, we have an upycling program for the off-cut fabrics from our furniture making process. This fabric is often considered 'wastage'. We save these off-cuts of our indoor and outdoor upholstery fabrics and upcycle them into useful objects, such as tote bags for our staff and clients.